I believe that we were created to live life with our true Nature which is being Happy, Peaceful,Loving,Understanding,openness.

Step #1 –  Make the connection with the Supreme .  As you  open your eyes in the morning be grateful by spending time with God.  This is what I call Meditation;  I spend 15 mins every morning either in prayer /meditation giving thanks

Step # 2 –  5 mins of  Mind direction.  I call this the time to look at the woman in the mirror, or man in the mirror.  For 30 seconds I just stare into the mirror and get connected to the beautiful awareness within myself. Then I talk to my mind and say,  “Today I welcome every experience and adversity that may arise as a priceless give from the universe that is giving me as a chance to reprogram my mind which will help be in liberating myself from robot like emotional patterns. Today I affirm that I will use my innate gifts for the betterment of Humanity.  Today, I will be open and inviting to all because openness unites.  Today, I will be compassionate and loving  by feeling the problems of others without getting caught up in their predicaments understanding that this is part of the journey they need for their growth.

Step #3 – Check -in with yourself.   I call this my ROI (Return on Investment ) Throughout the day I will make it a conscious effort to see how I am doing with what I set my mind to do in my mind direction.  Also at this time I reaffirm what I set out to do in my Mind direction in the morning .

Sept # 4 – Mid day meditation.  I do a 15 min meditation on energy cleaning.  This is a self guided meditation that I say to myself which consist of positive affirmations .  If this is not something that you usually do, then you would want to invest sometime in preparing .

Step # 5 – Spend 1 hour with alone.  In this hour I gift 30 mins to pin-pointing the addictive demands that were triggered and write a loving note of encouragement to myself.  Give myself a big hug because I am now loving myself from the core which will send loving vibrations to the outside world.  The next 30 mins I give to a  meditation of calmness.

Note:  Do this everyday for 90 days and watch your life change to one of what your true nature is ( Peace, Love, Happiness, Acceptance, Understanding, Kindness and Compassion)