About Us
About Us

Loving Is Key is committed to inspiring, encouraging, and empowering men, women, families and couples to live their life by leading with love. Showing the benefit that comes with knowing that our true nature is one of LOVE, we can live a life of unlimited happiness every day. Our goal is to see more mindfulness courses and workshops around the world.







All that is required for success is a vision of the destination.
The journey itself will reveal the means to take me there.

Jeanne was born and raised in Belize. For many years she lived like a rebel without a cause; unconscious of her life’s purpose in the world. After dying on the steps to a hospital, her entire physical experience 0f life changed. She developed a new understanding of why different situations made her feel angry, stressed, or overwhelmed and she learned how to rewire her thoughts surrounding these events. Through the art of mindfulness meditation, she learned to heal and build a life of health and wellness. Today, she teaches all the techniques she learned following the hospital staff bringing her back from the dead to clients from around the world through the Loving Is Key concepts and workshops.
Schedule a call to learn how you can work with Jeanne to develop your own mindfulness practice by clicking on the button below.

Loving Is Key Founder Jeanne Aguet






What does "Leading With Love" mean?
Leading with love is Loving yourself enough to take the time to examine your thoughts, actions and words to insure they are of pure, honest, compassionate intentions. Leading with Love is seeing yourself and the world in a more friendly loving way. By Loving yourself you learn to love the world.
What is Raja Yoga?
Raja means King. A king acts with independence, self-confidence and assurance. Likewise, a Raja Yogi is autonomous, independent and fearless. Raja Yoga is the path of self-discipline and practice.
Raja Yoga is also known as Ashtanga Yoga (Eight Steps of Yoga), because it is organised in eight parts:
- Yama – Self-control
- Niyama- Discipline
- Asana – Physical exercises
- Pranayama – Breath exercises
- Pratyahara – Withdrawal of the senses from external objects
- Dharana – Concentration
- Dhyana – Meditation
- Samadhi – Complete Realization
The eight steps of Raja Yoga provide systematic instruction to attain inner peace, clarity, self-control and Realization.
How can I learn more about Loving Is Key?
You can learn more about Loving Is Key by contacting Jeanne Cattouse via telephone: 562-552-0262 or email: jcat@lovingiskey.com, or by visiting my blogs.
What does Loving Is Key offer?
Loving is Key offers the chance to living a life of unlimited happiness every single day. Loving is Key is a guide that when used for only 15 mins a day for three months can put you on the path of living a happier, more rewarding life. Through meditation, mind direction, pinpointing your addictive demands, etc., Loving is Key sets you on a journey within to rediscover who you are and what your life’s purpose is. (Our true nature, the way God created us: Peaceful, Happy, Loving, Accepting, Confident, Understanding Souls.)
Loving Is Key, through the 12 steps from the Hand Book to Higher Consciousness gives you all you need to take responsibility for destiny.
How did Loving Is Key begin?
Loving is Key came about from all the self help books, videos, courses and teachings that I studied. Loving is Key is not a new philosophy. It is a summary of all that I have learned from all that I have put into practice to live my life from a higher consciousness. I decided to share the knowledge I gathered to others that may be on the path of awakening and living a life of higher consciousness.
How can I improve my work and home relationships with your coaching?
Loving is Key will 100% improve your work and home relationships. Once you start the guide, you will start seeing the shift in yourself which can only improve your life. Loving is Key teaches you that you are responsible for all your thoughts, actions, and words. Your thoughts, actions and words affect you first, then ripple out to the world. Once you have internalized and emotionalized this fact, the choice then becomes yours, do you want to love yourself or hurt yourself?
Loving is Key gives you the tools needed to make good use of your energy. Loving is Key gives you a reset on life.

What does "Leading With Love" mean?
Leading with love is Loving yourself enough to take the time to examine your thoughts, actions and words to insure they are of pure, honest, compassionate intentions. Leading with Love is seeing yourself and the world in a more friendly loving way. By Loving yourself you learn to love the world.
What is Raja Yoga?
Raja means King. A king acts with independence, self-confidence and assurance. Likewise, a Raja Yogi is autonomous, independent and fearless. Raja Yoga is the path of self-discipline and practice.
Raja Yoga is also known as Ashtanga Yoga (Eight Steps of Yoga), because it is organised in eight parts:
- Yama – Self-control
- Niyama- Discipline
- Asana – Physical exercises
- Pranayama – Breath exercises
- Pratyahara – Withdrawal of the senses from external objects
- Dharana – Concentration
- Dhyana – Meditation
- Samadhi – Complete Realization
The eight steps of Raja Yoga provide systematic instruction to attain inner peace, clarity, self-control and Realization.
How can I learn more about Loving Is Key?
You can learn more about Loving Is Key by contacting Jeanne Cattouse via telephone: 310-493-2834 or email: jcat@lovingiskey.com, or by visiting my blogs.
What does Loving Is Key offer?
Loving is Key offers the chance to living a life of unlimited happiness every single day. Loving is Key is a guide that when used for only 15 mins a day for three months can put you on the path of living a happier, more rewarding life. Through meditation, mind direction, pinpointing your addictive demands, etc., Loving is Key sets you on a journey within to rediscover who you are and what your life’s purpose is. (Our true nature, the way God created us: Peaceful, Happy, Loving, Accepting, Confident, Understanding Souls.)
Loving Is Key, through the 12 steps from the Hand Book to Higher Consciousness gives you all you need to take responsibility for destiny.
How did Loving Is Key begin?
Loving is Key came about from all the self help books, videos, courses and teachings that I studied. Loving is Key is not a new philosophy. It is a summary of all that I have learned from all that I have put into practice to live my life from a higher consciousness. I decided to share the knowledge I gathered to others that may be on the path of awakening and living a life of higher consciousness.
How can I improve my work and home relationships with your coaching?
Loving is Key will 100% improve your work and home relationships. Once you start the guide, you will start seeing the shift in yourself which can only improve your life. Loving is Key teaches you that you are responsible for all your thoughts, actions, and words. Your thoughts, actions and words affect you first, then ripple out to the world. Once you have internalized and emotionalized this fact, the choice then becomes yours, do you want to love yourself or hurt yourself?
Loving is Key gives you the tools needed to make good use of your energy. Loving is Key gives you a reset on life.