Cherish every breath and conserve your Energy

Cherish every breath and conserve your Energy

When I use to hear the word energy, first thing that comes to mind is electricity, solar, etc. Now that I am living a more conscious life the first thing that come to my mind is Mental and Spiritual energy. I find that Mental and Spiritual enery is so much more...
It’s A Mental Thing be the master of your mind.

It’s A Mental Thing be the master of your mind.

About 10 years ago, I came to the relalization of why I kept making the same mistakes over and over. I had the awaken of my mind, and for this I will always be grateful. This mental thing is a life changer. Once I realized that I have the power to direct my mind in...
Calm Mind = Healthy Mind

Calm Mind = Healthy Mind

It is time to reach out and touch on the energy plane. It is time to take notice of our mind, phyical body and spirit . This is the time where we love ourselves by taking a pause and breathe. Take a mental health break and just listien and notice the awareness in your...
I’d Like to Forget

I’d Like to Forget

I’d Like to Forget I’d like to forget about the times I stayed awake in constant fear of nothingI want to move on from those days where the only thing I did was pacePace around the empty house all day, worrying, while the world moved on without a care outsideWorrying...
How do I cry?

How do I cry?

How do I cry? It seems I have forgotten how to cry. It does not matter how tragic the event Or how overwhelming my emotions become; Tears just never see to run down my face Is there something wrong with me? Is my soul damaged Or are my tear ducts dried up from...