Everyone and Everything are our Teachers

Everyone and Everything are our Teachers

Live you life by Leading with Love Today we take the “EASY” way out when it comes to conflicts and disagreement.  I put EASY in quotations because in reality what we think is EASY ,  is really the most difficult way.  The amount of energy that we squander...
5 Steps to living everyday with Unlimited Happiness

5 Steps to living everyday with Unlimited Happiness

I believe that we were created to live life with our true Nature which is being Happy, Peaceful,Loving,Understanding,openness. Step #1 –  Make the connection with the Supreme .  As you  open your eyes in the morning be grateful by spending time with God.  This...
All we have for each other is Love

All we have for each other is Love

The best way to show your Love for someone is by being happy and loving when you are with them.   No matter what the situation is that they may be experiencing at the moment ; be it a happy time, a sad time, or just a plain uncomfortable time.  The best thing you can...
Programed Addictions in the Emotional sense

Programed Addictions in the Emotional sense

From my studies with Ken Keyes Jr. ( The Handbook to Higher Consciousness, I learned that an addiction is a programming (or operating instruction to your bio-computer) that triggers uncomfortable emotional responses when the things, people and situations don’t...
What is Consciousness Focusing?

What is Consciousness Focusing?

Consciousness Focusing is a method that is use to help in reprogramming your mind so as to change your old addictive type beliefs that holds you hostage in separating emotions. (Fear,worry, jealousy, anger, irritation, unforgiveness, etc.) Consciousness Focusing...