Kiss My Loving Sweet Sister

A JOURNEY TO ME “Start by doing what’s necessary, then do what’s possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” St. Francis of Assisi I would not describe myself as a “world traveler”, but I have had the opportunity to visit different countries, observe...

Allow 30 seconds

Give yourself 30 seconds to be in a negative space and then let go . Have you ever allowed yourself to get upset because you gave up your power to something or someone ? Or maybe you have the belief that it is natural to be in a negative space? For 30 seconds it is...

Embracing The Now

Make the choice to insure that you here and now is meaningful. The Aguet’s taking time on their travel through China 🇨🇳 and Japan to be in Yoga 🧘‍♀️

Lovingiskey is now traveling overseas.

Grateful to Chief Aguet , the names the Chinese 🇨🇳 gave him. Which matches the same reaction from the people of Uganda (Bwana) He and his family is the first to taking the awareness of Lovingiskey Globally....

Mind Direction to creating the life you want

When we realize how much less stressful and unhappy our life will be when we take 1 min. Morning, noon, and night to set our mind in the correct direction . We will then do this for the rest of our lives. Direct your mind to living a Happy...