Raga Yoga Meditation helps in rediscovering the powers that we hold within. We have gone so long in focusing on what happens outside of us, the way we look , the houses we have, the cars we drive, and the amount of money we make ; we are so lost in a superficial world where when We come to the realization that it is all a delusion, we find that we have not been living life at all . We have allowed ourselves to be distracted. We have strayed so far away from our true nature that we now find comfort in Hate, Anger, anxiety, gilt, depression, and numerous other negative behaviors.

I am here to tell you through the practice of Raja Yoga you can find you way back home to unlimited Happiness, Peace, Love , Compassion and a beautiful mind.

Use your energy wisely

Jeanne Cattouse / Jcat@lovingiskey.com