1. Openness Expands your energy field.
  2. Pin-pointing your addictive demands and up-leveling them to preferences begins the process of living a happier life.
  3. When I am true to myself and is willing to be open and true in my communications with others I am spreading healing energies to the world.
  4. Hiding in any degree keeps me separated from myself and others which stops my growth to higher consciousness.
  5.  When I am fully open I am operating from a place of Calmness, Peacefulness, Love, Acceptance and Understanding;  with compassion I can allow others to experience their problems and trials without blocking the messages that these situations are giving them to help in their growth to living a happier life.
  6. When I operate from a space of Love and Peace I respond to every situation in a manner that allows me to use my energy wisely.
  7. Keeping my intentions pure and honest helps be a happier person.
  8. Investing time and energy in learning who I am is worth more than gold.
  9. Knowing that energy is transferable I am mindful in keeping my thoughts , actions, and words Loving.
  10. Clean mind = Clean Energy