When it comes to Feedback from others it is very important to know your strengths and God given talents.

I believe that feedback is a very good way to help us along on our journey in personal development.   However, I also believe many times feedback can be used as a manipulation tool.  Manipulation to get to do what the person that is giving the feedback would like me to do, act, or accomplish so that I can satisfy there needs.

Feedback is a very effective tool when we know ourselves , because then and only then are we able to pick the sense out of the nonsense and remain centered and happy . When we know ourselves, we love and accept who we are at a core level.  At this point feedback becomes a discussion where both the person giving the feedback and the person receiving the feedback are now allowing the loving force to flow with pure and clean intentions.  By knowing ourselves we will now be able to evaluate and make necessary corrections from a space of peace, love, acceptance and understanding which conserves our energy and help us remain happy and centered.

NOTE:  Take time daily to loving yourself by studying this magnificent computer (Mind, Body , Soul) that we were blessed with.


Jeanne Cattouse
