How do I cry?

It seems I have forgotten how to cry.
It does not matter how tragic the event
Or how overwhelming my emotions become;
Tears just never see to run down my face
Is there something wrong with me?
Is my soul damaged
Or are my tear ducts dried up from overuse?

It used to be so easy as a child,
Tears had flowed out for almost any inconvenience.
The total amount of fluid shed from my eyes
Could have probably sustained a river then.
Yet just like the Nile, that river is dry,
A victim of the never-ending drought.

How do I cry? I wonder
As moments go by where I feel I should.
How did I manage it back then? I think
As try to coerce the liquid out of my eyes.
But no matter the effort,
All that forms is slight moisture.
No tears.
Just a damp taunt,
To remind me that I’ve forgotten how to cry.