Pride Greed, Covetousness,

Do you remember the days of having visitors to our houses, apartments, place of dwelling?

We walk them through the halls from room to room similar to what we would do visiting a museum; showing them just how financially successful we are.

We have a house, and it is filled with all our beautiful things that we bought with our hard earn money, possible the money that we don’t even have yet?  We would talk about our house and all our beautiful things , our own personal museum and it exhibits.  Take a Pause and reflect before reading  on. 

This unconscious or for some very conscious behavior does not only show our physical museum, but also the museum of our inner self. 

1.    It shows off three of the behaviors that adds to premature death.  ( Pride, Greed and Covetousness)

2.    The lack of emotional intelligence (being unaware of how your display affects someone else that may think of themselves as being less fortunate for not having)

3.    It shows just how much we are attached to things and superficial we are.

Some questions to ask ourselves:

1.    Going forward what do we want our Inner Museum Exhibits to show?

2.    Is it time to change the exhibits to a more meaningful view?

3.    What is our intention behind this behavior?

 Suggestion to Change The Behavior:

– look at our inner museum and change exhibits that does not benefit us .

– going forward when we have visitors at our houses don’t give them the physical exhibit unless requested.  Let them see our inner museum Exhibts