What is Addictive demand:  An expectation or model that makes you feel upset or unhappy if it is not satisfied.  A demand that causes body tension, separating emotions, and or mind disturbance.

What is Preference:  A desire that does not trigger any separating feelings or tensions in your mind or body weather or not your desire is satisfied.

I have now learn that to be happy most of the time I needed to stop demanding and expecting that people and situations will  always be in sync with what I would like life to be like.  I realize that by demanding and expecting I am setting up myself for major struggles and loads of unhappiness.  Unlike a preference, if people don’t act the way I expected and situations does not happen the way I think it should, then it will not disturb my happiness and peace.

My feelings of disappointment because the world is not confirming to what I want or need becomes a whole lot easier to handle because I am now using my energy more efficiently.  I am operating from a place of acceptance and understanding.  I can still think that my way was the correct way for certain situations, but I am able to let go and  move on without causing myself stress and unhappiness.  I am able to come from a place of peace and calm.

With preferring I am able to remember that my true nature is peace.  I am able to remember that to Love myself I need to remember that an unhealthy mind creates an unhealthy body, spirit and soul.  I now know that Loving is key to living a life of unlimited happiness.

By choosing  Preferring over demanding and I now have greater clarity in every area of my life.

With Preference I am able to develop a pure energy of enjoyment, excitement  and the ability to handle adversity .  I find that I welcome adversity in my life because I see them as gifts, as blessings.  With Preferences I become the master of my experiences.

