

 How to Love Yourself

Live your life by leading with love by first loving yourself.

Ok first off.  Take a moment and think on this.  “We are the first causalities/beneficiaries of our thoughts, actions, and words.

Knowing this fact what is your choice?  For me the choice becomes easy, I like benefits so I made the choice to check my intentions behind my thoughts, before every action I take and every word I speak.  I am into the benefiting business, I am into creating positive KARMA.

Before I go deeper into that topic of how to love yourself, let me first say this. We are born into this beautiful world, where we are encouraged to go to school and to shoot for the stars, we learn all about how to master the computer; acquire all the degrees to be able to have a successful life, a happy life.  We are made to believe that with all this knowledge we acquire we will be the happiest people in the world.  Then it goes into our , if only we can find the “perfect person” we will be happy; well I must admit for a while you will be happy; but why is it that we find it hard to be in a state of unlimited happiness and Love which is our true nature?   LET ME TELL YOU WHY,  because we were never thought how to Love our inner selves which is what we truly are .  Before we can be truly happy people and add to others happiness we first need to be happy with ourselves, the self that is deep within.

As we all know you can have 10 houses, 6 cars, the perfect physic, the most physically beautiful spouse and all the money in the world and still happiness eludes us.    Why?  Because we are a people that never took the time to learn who we are deep within.

                                            Asked how do I go about Loving myself? 

You Love yourself by first turning your focus within and start learning who you are and starting to accept your true identity,  my #1 tool  to accomplish this is through the daily  practice of  Raga Yoga Meditation .

What is Raga Yoga Meditation?

Imagine yourself as a capable, empowered, successful and happy soul.

Imagine being aware of each thought and reaction that comes to mind – and then ruling it. Within a nanosecond, you claim the power to act on the idea or ditch it.

Consider the negative traits in your personality that you wish would not play out: the thoughts of self-doubt, sabotage, low self-regard, guilt, worry etc. At your will, they will never again be spoken by you or affect your relationships at home, at work or on the sports field.

Some might baulk at being so ‘in control’ of themselves. But if you really ‘get’ soul, you can ‘get in control’ of yourself. Just yourself. Other people’s lives and games are their own.

You are only responsible for yourself. Our mums and dads did what they did – sometimes well, sometimes not – but that time has passed, and you are now the independent soul, who can choose how to live.

With Raja Yoga meditation you can throw off the old patterns of influence and recreate yourself to be how you want to be. That is the power of Raja Yoga.

This ancient meditation practice harnesses your natural powers and trains your mind to be your friend. You are not your mind; you are not your body. You have a mind and you have a body. These ‘tools’ sometimes work well and at other times may need calm and exercise to get back to a healthy path.

We all make mistakes. We all waste resources. We waste our words, our energy and our time until we pause and think deeply about what matters in our life. When we hold on tight to our views, the mind shrinks and smothers any power to love. In that state, the soul can’t breathe new energy into a situation – and everyone loses.

But when we sit quietly, cancelling all mindsets, and allow ourselves to know the deep peace of the soul, miraculous changes can happen for the better. People will understand you clearly, new doors will open, friends will call and that stiff neck will relax!

Raja Yoga teaches us to step back and observe life, take a calm breath, cool our reactions, and step forward in the way we choose – independent of others urging us to think or act as they wish.

Raja Yoga sets you free. Raja Yoga releases the power to respond with love.

Interested in learning Raga Yoga Meditation and Mind Direction?  Contact me to setup a group or individual appointment.

Jeanne Cattouse / Tel: 310-493-2834/Jcat@lovingiskey.com
