The first step on the journey to become a happier person and being able to LOVE yourself and others unconditionally; is being able to reprogram your mind.

The Living Love Way teaches you to see all the things that you don’t like in your life as “gifts”  — real opportunities to acquire the skill of transforming your experience into new new dimensions of enjoyment, appreciation, and love for yourself and others.

Step 1 – Pinpointing Addictive Demands

 Addictive Demands (An expectation or model that makes you feel upset or unhappy if it is not satisfied. A demand that causes body tension, separating emotions, and /or mind disturbance.

 Re-programming your mind is the first step  to loving yourself


You get upset, a situation happens that does not happen the way you wished it to be.  Your friend is not acting the way you think a friend should be acting.   .

At this point say to yourself ( I create the experience of fear, anger,guilt,sadness,worry, frustration,grief,hate,rage etc.because my programming demands that my friend act the way I think he/she should act).  Be sure to be 100% honest with yourself.  Be very specific .

Remember you are 100% responsible for your happiness .  The choice  is yours.