Go with the Flow

Lessons from the River

Part of my journey has been to learning to be less emotionally reactive and not to take things personally.

As I was doing my nature walk I came up to this beautiful river I decided to sit and take in the beautiful scenery; As I allowed all my senses to tune in and be one with the river. A realization came to me. 

Nature Speaks – That day the River gave me a lesson on the Power to Accommodate/Accept

This is what it said  If you would just go with the flow similar to how I (The River) goes with the flow, embracing and Accepting, the lay of the land with its narrow paths , with its depth and shallowness, the rocks and trees , the narrowness and it widths , the effects of the Wind, the sun, the rain the stagnant times and the fast moving times, will help you live a stress free life filled with an abundance of Peace, Love, Happiness so should you.  Develop your Power to Accommodate by allowing yourself the ability to expand , adjust and be flexible with all situations and others.

You Got the Power. Use it wisely.
Jeanne Cattouse