Meditation on a daily basis gives me the opportunity to strengthen my mind, nourish my soul and relax my physical body. When I meditate, I am giving myself the opportunity to link in and tune in to the supreme energy source.  Being in the space I am able to letgo of memories and beliefs that does not benefit me and the rest of humanity. When I meditate I am on a journey of self rediscovery of my true nature of Peace, Love, Happiness, Understanding, compassion and Acceptance.

When I meditate daily for at least 45 mins I am giving myself the organic medicine to heal my mind, body and spirit.  Meditation and Mind direction gives me the oppournity to start my day on solid ground; I am able to put things into perspective and be prepared for what ever situations may show up in my life that day.

When I meditate, I am giving myself a dose of pure clean energy .