Transforming negative Energy to Positive

There are many ways to transform the negative energies that you sense.  Most people go into deep prayer and ask for protection.  For this blog I will focus on the process of visualization.  In this process you will use your inner eyes to guide you.  To practice this exercise in transforming negative energy you will need to be in a space of calm and relaxation, it is important that we are emotionally stable before we respond to any and all situation.   

                                              Calm & Peace = Conscious Sound Responses

(with daily practice you can do this in a second)

Meditation in Releasing, Relaxation and Replenishing

Start by taking three deep breaths in, each time imagining the energy coming up through your body from the soles of your feet and when you exhale imagine that the energy is releasing from the crown (Top of your head). 

Now imagine a bright beam of white light coming down from God and The Universe with an entry point at your Crown (top of your head).  As this bright white light of energy enters your body start feeling the warmth of its rays spreading through every cell in your body, allow yourself to feel light and free as it continues the journey of replenishing and then it exits through the soles of your feet.

Now you are ready to sense negative energies around you with complete clarity.  No matter where you are, at school, at work, a bar, alone, a train, etc. you will be able to quickly sense the negative energies and transform it before it starts affecting you.  The last thing you want is to become in wrapped up in a package of negativity, so avoid becoming tense and frustrated.  Tension attracts negative energy.  Instead visualize what feelings you want to feel and it will keep the negative energies from latching on to your emotional base and hence spiraling you into a space of unhappiness, depression, etc.

Jeanne Cattouse

To learn more reach out to me at Tel 310-493-2834