“Love Everyone unconditionally – Including Yourself”

Most of the time if you ask the question, “What is Love?” the answer you will get back is one that has to do with feelings and the attachment to things and people, Or One of sexual passion and desire.

From all my studies, I have learned that unconditional love never wanes. It is not dependent on what is happening in your life on a daily basis.  It does not matter how the wind is blowing on any given day. It does not matter if you are laid up sick in the hospital or on your dying bed.  Real Love has a no string attach.

LovingisKey adopoted the teachings of Ken Keyes Jr. “ Love is CONSTANT.”  You love someone because they are there, you don’t require them to “Earn” or “Deserve” your love.  Real Love does not threaten in-order to control and manipulate. Real Love does not start today and stop tomorrow because of one’s behaviors and actions.

To me unconditional means exactly what the words means, without conditions.

I like what Ken Keyes Jr. says about the secrets of Happiness when it comes to Unconditional Love.  “Loving Yourself and other Unconditionally becomes easier to understand and do once we start the reprograming of our addictive demands.”

To live a life of unlimited happiness we need to love without conditions.  If we don’t put this into practice then we will find loving as draining, hard ,complicated and short lived.

Addictive Demands: “An expectation or model that makes you feel upset or unhappy if it is not satisfied.  A demand that causes body tension, separating emotions, and /or mind disturbance.” (Ken Keys Jr.)

“To increase our skill in Loving unconditionally, it is essential to realize that we can totally dislike what people do or say, give them good advice and they choose to be the way they choose to be.  We should still continue to love them no matter what.