Ways to ensure you are happy at work.

How do we ensure that we are happy at work ? Most of us spend 40 plus hours at work; and if we are not at work physically we are there mentally. Many of us dread Monday mornings and yearn for Friday evenings ; we count the days to the weekend. Living like this is...
Calm Mind = Healthy Mind

Calm Mind = Healthy Mind

It is time to reach out and touch on the energy plane. It is time to take notice of our mind, phyical body and spirit . This is the time where we love ourselves by taking a pause and breathe. Take a mental health break and just listien and notice the awareness in your...

Live on Facebook

Loving Is Key here is the 🔑 to your sanctuary. take time away to relax, clear your mind and be in silence. You have the...
Inner Museum

Inner Museum

Pride Greed, Covetousness, Do you remember the days of having visitors to our houses, apartments, place of dwelling? We walk them through the halls from room to room similar to what we would do visiting a museum; showing them just how financially successful we are. We...
Arrive Alive

Arrive Alive

When I choose To invest in my Happiness I am Loving myself. Taking conscious actions to live a happy life is knowing that I am being an asset to all humanity https://youtu.be/8_N37FBliD4 It is good to Be Alive