Ways to ensure you are happy at work.

How do we ensure that we are happy at work ? Most of us spend 40 plus hours at work; and if we are not at work physically we are there mentally. Many of us dread Monday mornings and yearn for Friday evenings ; we count the days to the weekend. Living like this is...
Stress use to be the road  I travel!!

Stress use to be the road I travel!!

Once upon a time I use to believe that being stress was the the best way for me to get my job done. I use to pride myself that I could have a task to do and wait until the last minute to get it done because then I would show others that I can get things done in a...
When I scan I am giving time to Self Development

When I scan I am giving time to Self Development

As I walk this beautiful journey I allow the Life force energy to flow through. I am at the realization that my life purpose is not about me. I have aims/goals, but in the final analayis if my aims/goals are for the greater good of humanity; then I will not have...