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news, and events from Loving Is Key.
Learn all about the latest discoveries, news, and events from Loving Is Key.
Map My Destiny Seminar at the YMCA in Belize Central America.
It is so good to be in an environment where everyone is open and willing to learn from each other. These young minds have so much to offer. I am grateful to have been in their company and look forward to the follow-up meetings to Map My Destiny. -Sign- Jeanne...

5 Steps to live a meaningful Life/Loving is Key
Take a moment everyday to love yourself.
Ways to ensure you are happy at work.
How do we ensure that we are happy at work ? Most of us spend 40 plus hours at work; and if we are not at work physically we are there mentally. Many of us dread Monday mornings and yearn for Friday evenings ; we count the days to the weekend. Living like this is...

Stress use to be the road I travel!!
Loving is Key, but loving yourslef is most important. When you know how to Love yourself You Love the world.

Stigma (Mental Health)
stigma is important because it causes many people to delay seeking help and getting treatment.

When I scan I am giving time to Self Development
In Scanning myself, I am taking time in self development; which gives me the opportunity to be the best version of myself to the world.

Cherish every breath and conserve your Energy
With the realization that without a single breath I would not be alive I consciously choose to cherish every breath I take and use it wisely.

It’s A Mental Thing be the master of your mind.
I tell my Mind everyday what we are going to accomplish. I have found in order to live a peaceful, Happy life I have to be the master of my mind.

Calm Mind = Healthy Mind
Nourish your mind by taking several mental breaks thoughout the day and just sit and meditate. Meditation brings clarity to the mind and nourishes the soul,

I’d Like to Forget
I’d like to forget about the times I stayed awake in constant fear of nothing
I want to move on from those days where the only thing I did was pace
Pace around the empty house all day, worrying, while the world moved on without a care outside
Worrying about where and how my life was going or when it was ending.